Precious Lives

I headed out of town for a few days this week to one of my favorite vacation destinations – my brother and sister-in-law’s home.  With trying to get settled and established in my new home town, I hadn’t made the several hour trip to visit them in months.  Relaxing and competitive fun was waiting for me a few hours down the freeway. 

My fur babies and I were sharing the more confined space of a two seater car since the SUV was in the shop to have the air conditioning repaired - a must in our neck of the woods.  The cats were experiencing what it would be like to live in a high rise as their carriers were stacked one on top of the other in the passenger seat (no worries, no animals were harmed and in fact they seemed to enjoy the trip more than usual…maybe because they got an upgrade to the front seat). 

Our trip to get on the interstate headed south took us past Planned Parenthood, a facility I have seen on many occasions and that always grieves my heart.  But on this day it was especially painful.  A family member I love dearly was in the process of experiencing yet another miscarriage.  This loving husband and wife who desperately wanted a child to love were once again experiencing the pain and anguish as the mother-to-be’s body rejected the precious life growing inside of her. 

There are not any doctors in our state who will come to this facility to perform abortions so on certain days of the week, Planned Parenthood flies medical personnel in from another state.  This must have been one of the days as there were pro-life advocates outside the gates of the facility  I know some of these brave individuals who go and wait outside the facility to share with the women who are entering to have abortions about other alternatives. 

As my little car raced by this facility tears streamed down my face and I shared aloud with my fur babies about what was grieving their Mom’s heart.  How could it be that someone who was desperate to have a child and who had the desire and ability to love a precious baby was struggling to carry a baby to term and there were other women who were willing to allow someone to end a life that was growing inside them.  As a Christian I know that these precious babies who have never even had the chance to be born and experience life here on Earth are in heaven in the presence of the Lord where they are loved by the One who gave His life for them.  Yet still there are the empty arms of a Mom who longs to love and raise a child of her own. 

How is it that as a society we have come to be so callous about the ones who can’t fend for themselves?  So many people don’t see a child they see a choice.  Oh Father, help us to realize that all lives are precious and that you are our Creator, no one is a mistake and we are all loved by you.  May the women who are pregnant and don’t want the child allow that child to live and then place it in the arms of a family who will love and care for it.  This I ask in Jesus name.  Amen. 



© Chateau Life Coach

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